The newest power-feature in makes your conversions even faster. In your Gallery pop-up, you can now allow visitors to directly Add to Cart while browsing your feed, cutting out the Product Page redirect completely.
For your customer, it’s as fast as two clicks: after clicking Buy Now, they will be presented with a tasteful view of all the product variants and a final Add to Cart button. Clicking on it will open a subtle Cart icon which they can use to go to Checkout whenever suits them.
For you, this works instantaneously: simply Allow the Direct Buy function in your Gallery Embed, under Popup Settings.
Why this is a power-up for your Gallery?
- It is a smooth UX compared to the classic redirect to Product Page
- It allows customers to browse your Gallery further after buying a tagged product
- It essentially serves as a product popup to your Gallery
- It cuts time from Want to Buy, making the sale instant
See it in action:
Here's again How to enable the Direct Buy feature.
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