If you want to only have your Price Beater button show on select products, follow this guide to set it up.
Method #1
Note: this only works in Automatic mode
1. Open PriceBeater and click the Settings button in the top right
2. Under Button Settings, select Active on Selected Products
3. Click Select Products
4. In the popup, check the boxes next to the products that you want your button to show on
5. Click Select Products
6. Click Save in the top right corner and you're finished
Method #2 (Manual Method)
1. Open the Price Beater app, click Settings in the top right, click Manual, and enter "#pricebeater" in the text field - click Save in the top right.
Note: You will need to add code for Price Beater to show at this point
2. Go to the Product tab of your Shopify admin and select the product that you wish to show the Price Beat on.
3. As show in the image above, add the "pricematch" tag, and click Save
4. Go to Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit HTML/CSS > find your product.liquid
or product-template.liquid
file and add the following code after your Add to Cart button code.
{% if product.tags contains "pricematch" %}
<a style="margin-top:15px;display:block;font-weight:bold;color:black;" id="pricebeater" href="#">
<svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M1771 1536q0 53-37 90l-107 108q-39 37-91 37-53 0-90-37l-363-364q-38-36-38-90 0-53 43-96l-256-256-126 126q-14 14-34 14t-34-14q2 2 12.5 12t12.5 13 10 11.5 10 13.5 6 13.5 5.5 16.5 1.5 18q0 38-28 68-3 3-16.5 18t-19 20.5-18.5 16.5-22 15.5-22 9-26 4.5q-40 0-68-28l-408-408q-28-28-28-68 0-13 4.5-26t9-22 15.5-22 16.5-18.5 20.5-19 18-16.5q30-28 68-28 10 0 18 1.5t16.5 5.5 13.5 6 13.5 10 11.5 10 13 12.5 12 12.5q-14-14-14-34t14-34l348-348q14-14 34-14t34 14q-2-2-12.5-12t-12.5-13-10-11.5-10-13.5-6-13.5-5.5-16.5-1.5-18q0-38 28-68 3-3 16.5-18t19-20.5 18.5-16.5 22-15.5 22-9 26-4.5q40 0 68 28l408 408q28 28 28 68 0 13-4.5 26t-9 22-15.5 22-16.5 18.5-20.5 19-18 16.5q-30 28-68 28-10 0-18-1.5t-16.5-5.5-13.5-6-13.5-10-11.5-10-13-12.5-12-12.5q14 14 14 34t-14 34l-126 126 256 256q43-43 96-43 52 0 91 37l363 363q37 39 37 91z"></path></svg>
Price Beat Guarantee
{% endif %}
This code will generate the following button:
Note: If you're not sure where to paste the code, contact us or your theme developer.
5. Click Save and open the product on your site to preview your changes.
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